For those of you who are new to NameFreak!, this is a place to discuss names, learn about their meaning and history, and have fun with games and tournaments. Feel free to poke around the site and jump in with your ideas!
For those of you who are old friends to NameFreak! you’ll notice a fewimprovements. My logo has been redesigned and the blog has been revamped. Using the buttons to the right, you can email me for name advice or suggestions, as well as follow me on Facebook. There is also a button for you to follow my NameFreak! board on Pinterest, where I collect cool ideas dealing with names. I would encourage you to pin this website onto your Pinterest board as well. It would be great to spread the word as much as possible... the more NameFreaks there are, the better discussions, comments and sharing of ideas we can have.
There are tabs beneath the blog header with additional information at your fingertips. About NameFreak! helps you learn more about this name freak. Favorite Resources lists some of the books and links I use in my name research. And Reviews gives you an opportunity to read what others have to say and to share your thoughts on what I do.
When I revamped the site, I decided to start from scratch so I did not import my old posts to this blog. However, in addition to the new items of interest and original researched posts, I will be using topics and ideas from the old blog. I may even expand upon and re-publish certain posts, so don't be surprised if something looks familiar (Name Madness will definitely be making an appearance again). There are some great reads on the old blog, so feel free to take a look at the link below:
NameFreak! Wordpress Blog
Thank you for diving back into this fun mode of expression for me. This is truly a passion of mine and I am thrilled to have you all chime in, challenge me, or simply just go along for the ride. Welcome NameFreaks!
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