There are several interesting finds at the bottom of the Top 1000 in 1880. Because parents were using fewer names for their children (the majority of the babies born were given one out of about twenty names or so), the population was lower, and the possibility that less babies were accounted for, the bottom of the 1000 are names given to 10 babies or less. At the bottom, you can find unique choices like 6 boy babies named Friend, as well as names that will become much more popular in the future, like Jessica, which was given to 7 girl babies in 1880. It's so interesting to see how things change, and yet also stay the same (Math hasn't quite caught on as a given name).
Here is a little taste of the names given to 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 babies in 1880...
Doctor 10
Gideon 10
Hosea 10
Lincoln 10
Malachi 10
Valentine 10
Abel 9
Alden 9
Archer 9
Carson 9
Cullen 9
Doc 9
Jones 9
Llewellyn 9
Ludwig 9
Maxwell 9
Stonewall 9
Ashley 8
Butler 8
Ford 8
Hayes 8
Ivory 8
Jonah 8
Justin 8
Leopold 8
Price 8
Quincy 8
Randall 8
Romeo 8
Shade 8
Tilden 8
Troy 8
Woodson 8
Worth 8
Bruno 7
Creed 7
Duke 7
Golden 7
Hollis 7
Math 7
Rafael 7
Tyler 7
Adolph 6
Alpha 6
Arlington 6
Colin 6
Commodore 6
Coy 6
Cruz 6
Friend 6
Gary 6
Holmes 6
Kirk 6
Titus 6
Anastasia 10
Delilah 10
Diana 10
Fern 10
Florida 10
Juliet 10
Leonie 10
Paulina 10
Selina 10
Amber 9
Angelina 9
Annabelle 9
Doris 9
Elinor 9
Hope 9
Indiana 9
Ione 9
Kitty 9
Marcia 9
Patty 9
Paula 9
Arizona 8
Becky 8
Dove 8
Elena 8
Faye 8
Inga 8
Magnolia 8
Millicent 8
Pansy 8
Tabitha 8
Angela 7
Carol 7
Drucilla 7
Eugenie 7
Eve 7
Felicia 7
Hedwig 7
Jessica 7
Muriel 7
Patience 7
Rosanna 7
Tilda 7
Augustine 6
Aurora 6
Calla 6
Celestia 6
Cherry 6
Classie 6
Dinah 6
Eleanora 6
Evalena 6
Faith 6
Fidelia 6
Golda 6
Joella 6
Martina 6
Mercedes 6
Monica 6
Netta 6
Phyllis 6
Suzanne 6
Thea 6
Winona 6
Zelda 6
What are your observations from this list?
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