Monday, September 1, 2014

2nd Blogiversary!

NameFreak! is 2 years old this week! That's just crazy talk, I know.

Even though most of my year was spent working on Name-alytics, I do have several favorite posts from this past year including:

G Names: Then and Now

The Fitzes

History of State Names as Given Names

Popularity of "S" vs. "Sh" Names - Girls

Play Ball, Again!: More Baseball-Inspired Names

A *ton of Great Names!

The Most Popular Names Over Time (as seen on Nameberry)

I realize that my blog has turned into a predominantly analytical look at names and I know that the audience for that type of blog is not tremendously huge. But I also know that I have loyal readers who find it just as interesting as I do, and to all of you I want to express my appreciation and gratitude! I also want to thank my fellow name bloggers and Nameberry for your constant support and encouragement, especially concerning my eBook. It means a lot.

As a gift to you on this blogiversary, I am cutting the price of my eBook, Name-alytics, to $2.99 for this week only! Get it now at the link below!

Buy Name-alytics at $2.99!

Thank you so much for making this so enjoyable and fun!


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