Friday, December 19, 2014

Name Madness 2014 - Round 4


Thank you to the 63 people who voted in Round 3! We are getting closer and closer to the final, so let's waste no more time and get to the results...

Vivien 68%
Viola 32%

Bette 49%
Dorothy 51%

Marlene 21%
June 79%

Greta 60%
Ingrid 40%

Alec 30%
Rhys 70%

Quinn 62%
Colin 38%

Dean 63%
Laurence 37%

Gable 48%
Harrison 52%

While some were quite convincing wins, check out Bette/Dorothy and Gable/Harrison! Those two matches were close the entire time the polls were open. In other news, Vivien continues to overpower her opponents and June trampled poor Marlene. Now onto the Elite Eight!

What do you think of these matchups? Vivien/Dorothy... two names that were huge in the 1920s (although Vivian was bigger than Vivien). June/Greta... the month name and the Swedish nickname for Margaret. Rhys/Quinn... Welsh versus Irish. Dean/Harrison... battle of the monikers that are famous as both first and last names. I'm not sure how you are going to choose!

You have until Thursday, December 25 to vote. I know it's a holiday week, but there are only four matches, so please set aside the short seconds it will take to fill out a ballot! Vote only once and for only one name in each match. Winners of Round 4 and the ballot for Round 5 should be published on Friday, December 26. Have fun!



  1. Another amazing round. All of the rounds have been amazing so far and I am sure the next one is going to be amazing too. Looking forward to what will take place in it.

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